P3C Technologies uses WordPress for all client websites because of its power, flexibility, and extensibility. We love how many plugins and add-ons are available for WordPress as it makes the job of developing websites and implementing some simple SEO practices very...
How are you measuring the social relationship with your website? I’m talking about LinkedIn, FaceBook, Twitter, Yelp, <insert name of social networking service> driving traffic to your website. Ideally, if you run a campaign in one of these networks, you...
Tethering refers to the process of connecting one device to another device. When it comes to mobile phones, tethering is defined as sharing the Internet connection of the phone with another device – say your computer or tablet. This type of sharing can happen...
In this video, Brad Otto, owner and operator of P3C Technologies LLC discusses the 3-2-1 Backup Strategy. This strategy is recommended by numerous technology professionals to prevent losing personal or business data. It is applicable to homes and businesses. The same...
In this post, I’ll give you a quick tip on how to completely and securely erase your hard drive. Why would you want to do this? So your data does not fall into the wrong hands. Depending on where you are sending the hard drive, you may have a different...