Having trouble deciding when to make that new electronics purchase? Whether it be a computer, projector, camera or a phone, P3C Technologies can help you. First off – know the trends and do a little bit of research. When does a vendor announce its new...
Backing up your computer should be a no-brainer. And yes, it can be easy as 1-2-3…Actually – as easy as 3-2-1. Follow this simple rule and you will not lose your files! A simple strategy – 3-2-1 Backup Three copies of everything Your stuff should be kept...
As a new parent this past year, and because of the fact that I have many clients with children as well, I’m constantly on the lookout for methods to make the Internet safe for kids. This piece of software was actually recommended by one of my clients (Thanks...
Do you write a company newsletter? Worried about your domain getting blacklisted as a spammer? What can you do to avoid this? There is a laundry list of things that you should do to avoid being classified as spam. These things will all help you, but may not give...
Wikipedia’s definition of a virus hoax fits perfectly to a recent email question posed by one of my clients on an email she received: A computer virus hoax is a message warning the recipient of a non-existent computer virus threat. The message is usually a chain...
You have a couple of options if you want Internet access when you take your tablet, laptop, iPod Touch, or any other device you own (as long as it has a built-in wireless card) with you out of town: 1. Visit a Local hotspot in the same town (e.g. Panera, Starbucks) 2....