P3C Technologies uses WordPress for all client websites because of its power, flexibility, and extensibility. We love how many plugins and add-ons are available for WordPress as it makes the job of developing websites and implementing some simple SEO practices very...
How are you measuring the social relationship with your website? I’m talking about LinkedIn, FaceBook, Twitter, Yelp, <insert name of social networking service> driving traffic to your website. Ideally, if you run a campaign in one of these networks, you...
Often customers ask me, “Brad, why am I not on the first page of Google Search Results?” This is not a super easy thing to do, and unless you are offering the only product for a particular keyword or phrase and you are the only website out there for that...
P3C Technologies specializes in helping homes and small businesses with their technology needs, including building websites! For every website we build, there is a checklist of activities we go through and advice we give to clients about how to bring attention to the...
I love WordPress. Why? Free software that runs my blog, open source, so many different people can contribute to it by writing various plugins and themes. My favorite two so far are plugins that allow my blog posts to be shared with the various social network services...